Solution-Focused Therapy with Children: A Natural Fit!

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them!

by Bednar, Dina ; VanEngen, Geri | 15 říj 2015, 8:59 | solution focused  

Michael White and Steve de Shazer: New Directions in Family Therapy

Our attraction to these approaches and our observation of their siilarities and differences le us to try and to place these two therapeutic approaches in context.

by Chang, Jeff ; Phillips, Michele | 10 říj 2015, 12:12 | solution focused   narativní přístup  

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy With Long-Term Problems

Clients who have been involved in the mental health system for years have been defined and have come to define themselves by their limitations. As a result of working with mental health professionals over many years most not only know their diagnosis but in fact have come to learn how ...

by Berg, Insoo Kim ; Simon, Joel K | 10 říj 2015, 11:58 | solution focused  

Don't think, but observe: What is the importance of the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein for solution-focused brief therapy?

Understandably, I have often been asked about my interest in and frequent citation of Wittgensteinˇs work in both my writing and my training seminars.


by De Shazer, Steve | 15 čvc 2015, 16:13 | SF   solution focused  

Nepřemýšlejte, ale pozorujte: Jaký význam má práce Ludwiga Wittgensteina pro SFBT?

Pochopitelně jsem často dotazován na můj zájem o Wittgensteinovu práci a jeho časté citace jak v mém psaní, tak na mých vzdělávacích seminářích. Poněvadž tvrdím, že SFBT je cvičení (postup) nebo činnost, která je bez podkladové (důležité) teorie, zdá se přinejmenším podivné, ne-li kontradiktorní se odkazovat stále dokola na filozofovu ...

by De Shazer, Steve ; Seeháková, Karolína | 24 dub 2014, 8:20 | SF   solution focused